Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Undercity diners are notoriously vile; unmanned save for a mess of abrasive, poorly-programmed serving bots, such culinary pitfalls are hardly the place for respectable late-night meetings.
Vexx would not have called this interaction respectable; his adjective would have evoked more pain and mindless suffering.
There's indecisive shifting between the mug of bad coffee and the dry scone as he is crushed beneath her silence.
The ring, trussed up in its plastic display box, sits between them.
“I can’t do this.” She’s staring at him, her yellow eyes floodgates for unearthly cruelty. "I just can't cope with the whole...girl-...thing."
"What girl thing?"
An angry glance flies from the tablemate and shatters Vexx's confidence further.
"The fact that I'm the only one in the whole damn league, Vexx. That’s the fact that, apparently, none of the other 'agents' can understand, and that’s why." She snatches her fur coat up as she rises. Vexx wonders if it’s a gift from another man. His words stop her halfway through the filthy diner’s holo-door.
“Nell-“ She glances back. “I love you.”
She sighs, and pulls the coat together at her throat. “That’s the problem.” And she is gone, taking with her the only purpose of a whimpering man who now sits, alone, with a shoddily-boxed diamond ring.


  1. this is beautiful.

  2. So. Sad.

    My heart is kind of breaking for Vexx.

  3. I think...I'm going to cry...that was so sad. Beautiful, and touching, but depressing! Yowch! I agree with Meg; my heart is breaking for Vexx.

  4. have to agree with mark on this one -- beautiful. phenomenal writing.
