Friday, January 7, 2011

Aethernata: Crew

There were very few fundamental basics of life upon the Zeppelin formerly known as Opal 32-PC71.
Many of them concerned things that should not be attempted, under any circumstances.
One would be cautioned against ever entering the engine room after the hours of ten in the morning; grievous personal injury, incapacitation, or harassment may occur. The same rules were applied to the starboard lavatory with greater emphasis.
One should not ever mention the ship’s rechristened name. If the zeppelin must be referred to by a non-deprecating term, than it would be wise to utter only its former military classification.
All other issues that fell into the category of avoidable could be foreseen and dodged by engaging in a hazardous and unsavory study, that of the crew’s preferences and persons.
Rastu was the first mate and occasionally pilot, and was by far the most even-tempered of the crew. His frequent, fiery outbursts lined the walls with food, shattered glass, and any displaced bodily fluids only a few times a week. When queried in reference to his remarkably well-maintained composure, his only response was to smile and swear that his preoccupations with love far outshined his preoccupations with fighting. This was untrue, though he often attempted to alter his romantic circumstances, despite being constantly reassured of his exception undesirability.
Cassidy was expected to man the engines, but often saw to other, more pressing matters, such as the unbloodied state of any of Shaw’s newly purchased shirts. His trainee, Ashdown, was often left with the responsibility of priming and maintaining the integrity of four of the most ornery and complex engines the Royal Military could get their hands on. Complicating matters was the fact that the engines were over forty years old, and Ashdown was under ten.
Ashdown’s mother, Hester, was the ship’s navigator, and social correspondent. She was often told that her voice inspired confidence. Her half-decade of training in the Crown’s unnamed assassin camps inspired results.
Wrenly was the medic, and was completely capable of saving lives, considering his patients or employers could locate him. After studying basic and alternatives medicines for most of his life, he was still incapable of finding a working solution for his narcolepsy, sleepwalking, tendency to cram himself inside unreachable compartments while unconscious, or his resulting claustrophobia.
The tall, blond gentleman was often referred to as Jack. He didn’t do anything, but upon any questioning would sincerely profess his invaluable service of psychological analysis. He seemed to do little more than watch and pejoratively scrawl notes in a book that looked suspiciously similar to a pastel colored Franco the Cat flip-diary with the cover brutally torn off.
Candice bit people and hid in storage units. She occasionally validated her usefulness on the ship by finding Wrenly, but for the most part just leaped out at people when they were trying to work and made a terrible mess of things. Still, Aridia staunchly maintained that she will not be harmed or removed from the crew.
Aridia was the ship’s captain and primary pilot. She said little, did much, and had no tolerance for shenanigans, hijinks, or any other fun words describing rampant foolishness. She was tall, brooding, and proportioned and featured not unlike the title character of an old TV Program called “Gretalyn: Spartan Princess or Blushing Flower?” Aridia’s tolerance for this comparison, much like the show, was short-lived and followed by decimation. She was cold, fiercely competent, and unlikable to a near-arsenical extreme. She would be possessed by no one.
Juin, on the other hand, was possessed by everyone. One of Aridia’s employed mercenaries, Juin had regrettably loose morals and saw little wrong with dating several different men at the same time, as her history aboard the zeppelin would suggest. After the initial explosive duel between Cassidy and Wrenly, halted only by Rastu’s suspiciously emotional intervention and Wrenly’s unconsciousness, Aridia decreed any non-preexisting crew relationships utterly illegal. Juin had yet to find a loophole in the three pages concerning proper relational etiquette in Aridia’s rewritten employment contract.
The remaining crewmembers make up the only married couple aboard the Opal 32-PC71. Vesper Shaw handled supplies and minor repairs. His wife, Jericho, had few skills besides her suspiciously first-rate hand-to-hand skills, and was therefore expected to delegate chore schedules and dramatically describe finer details that Jack, as a newer member of the crew, may have missed during any heated exchanges between other crewmembers.


  1. 1. You have a way of inserting yourself as the narrator in the most humorous but reasonable way that your reader can't help but smile.
    3. And your character concepts are great as always. "he was still incapable of finding a working solution for his narcolepsy, sleepwalking, tendency to cram himself inside unreachable compartments while unconscious, or his resulting claustrophobia." Loved that!
    8. Im pretty sure this a snipit of random writing am I correct? It would be really interesting if you tried to indulge the plot a little more before you leave it. (if that is what it was, just a random snipit of writing)
    7. As always I love reading your writing despite my procrastination and usually poor excuses. But please don't ever give up faith on me as a reader. :) Cause I'd miss out.
    Love you!

  2. 1.I love character exposition--just sitting down and talking about your characters. It's so much fun. This crew sounds totally awesome, in a I-wonder-how-they-even-function-on-a-daily-basis and I'd-never-want-to-hang-out-with-them kinda way.
    2.Excellent job of painting entire pictures of people in just a few brilliant strokes. Awesome.
    3. Why can't Beth'ny count anymore? '~'

  3. I love characters. I love YOUR characters. I love what you have done with your characters and how unique you've crafted them with a few expert sentences. "Candice bit people and hid in storage units"? "The tall, blond gentleman was often referred to as Jack"? "Juin, on the other hand, was possessed by everyone"?? WIN INTRODUCTIONS.

    or should I say, win-troductions?

    Please, please tell me there are scenes coming?
